SWDHC Member Dental Testimonial – Saves BIG MONEY On Dental Work!
Save With Discount Healthcare saves money on dental care for the entire household.
Dental testimonial: Keep in mind if this member had dental insurance he would probably be maxed out at $1000 and have to pay full price out of pocket for everything he had done. He was able to have all the work done now and save on everything! Here goes: 4 wisdom teeth removed by an oral surgeon with IV anesthesia, 6 other teeth removed, cleaning, 3 fillings, dentures with fitting, molds had to be redone 3xs, 2 remakes and a one year guarantee to remake dentures if they become loose.
Total cost $12,000, drum roll…..he paid $5100, 58% off.
His daughter said he has never had dental coverage because it was always too expensive.
Happy ending, this man is smiling again for the first time in many many years::))
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